
De 1918
Revisión del 13:05 19 oct 2016 de Centroeuropa (Discusión | contribuciones) (Protegió «Ludendorff» ([Editar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido) [Trasladar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido)) [en cascada])

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Erich Friedrich Wilhelm Ludendorff. (Ir a Personas. Cosas. Cronología. Geografía. Fuentes.)

9 de abril de 1865 - Tutzing, Baviera, Alemania; 20 de diciembre de 1937. Barry, en The Great Influenza, p. 171, califica de posible excusa que achaque el fracaso de Kaiserschlacht a la gripe:

Luddendorff himself blamed influenza for the loss of initiative and the ultimate failure of the offensive: "It was a grievous business having to listen every morning to the chiefs of staff's recital of the number of influenza causes, and their complaints about the weakness of their troops."

Influenza may have crippled his attack, stripped his forces of fighting men. Or Ludendorff may have simply seized upon it as an excuse. British, French, and American troops were all suffering from the disease themselves, and Ludendorff was not one to accept blame when he could place it elsewhere.

(Ir a Personas. Cosas. Cronología. Geografía. Fuentes.)