
De 1918
Revisión del 12:57 19 oct 2016 de Centroeuropa (Discusión | contribuciones) (Centroeuropa trasladó la página Crushing a Cushing: errata)

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Harvey Williams Cushing, neurocirujano estadounidense. (Ir a Personas. Cosas. Cronología. Geografía. Fuentes.)

Cleveland, Ohio, 8 de abril de 1869 - New Haven, Connecticut, 7 de octubre de 1939. Barry, que lo llama protegido de Halsted, cita su diario en The Great Influenza, donde supone que el retraso de Kaiserschlacht se debe a la gripe. p. 171:

"They have broken clean through. The general situation is far from reassuring. 11 P.M. The flow of men from the retreating Front keeps up. Haig's most disquieting Order to the Army ends as follows: With our backs to the wall, and believing in the justice of our cause, each one of us must fight to the end. The safety of our homes and the freedom of mankind depend alike upon the conduct of every one of us at this moment. The expected third phase of the great German offensive put off from day to day. When the next offensive will come off no one knows. It probably won't be long postponed. I gather that the epidemic of grippe which hit us rather hard in Flanders also hit the Boche worse, and this may have caused the delay".

(Ir a Personas. Cosas. Cronología. Geografía. Fuentes.)