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                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T14:43:18Z",
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                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:03:06Z",
                        "comment": "Protegi\u00f3 \u00ab[[P\u00e1gina principal]]\u00bb ([Editar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido) [Trasladar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido)) [en cascada]"
                        "revid": 4,
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                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:10:03Z",
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                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:10:47Z",
                        "comment": "P\u00e1gina creada con \u00abCronolog\u00eda (ver tambi\u00e9n Personas.)  1917  1918  1919\u00bb"
                        "revid": 6,
                        "parentid": 5,
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                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:10:59Z",
                        "comment": "Protegi\u00f3 \u00ab[[Cronolog\u00eda]]\u00bb ([Editar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido) [Trasladar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido)) [en cascada]"
                        "revid": 9,
                        "parentid": 6,
                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:19:11Z",
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                        "revid": 13,
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                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:30:53Z",
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                        "revid": 22,
                        "parentid": 13,
                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:45:37Z",
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                        "revid": 25,
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                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:48:21Z",
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                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:51:50Z",
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                        "revid": 32,
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                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:54:13Z",
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                        "revid": 35,
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                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:59:18Z",
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                        "revid": 37,
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                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T16:00:01Z",
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                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T16:13:28Z",
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                        "revid": 47,
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                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T16:22:51Z",
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                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
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                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:18:21Z",
                        "comment": "P\u00e1gina creada con \u00abPersonas (Ver tambi\u00e9n Cronolog\u00eda.)\u00bb"
                        "revid": 8,
                        "parentid": 7,
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                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:18:31Z",
                        "comment": "Protegi\u00f3 \u00ab[[Personas]]\u00bb ([Editar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido) [Trasladar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido)) [en cascada]"
                        "revid": 10,
                        "parentid": 8,
                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:23:37Z",
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                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:24:06Z",
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                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T16:06:21Z",
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                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:24:59Z",
                        "comment": "P\u00e1gina creada con \u00ab'''John Oxford''' (Volver a [[Personas]].)  Experto en H1N1-1918.  (Volver a [[Personas]].)\u00bb"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "John Oxford"
                "pageid": 5,
                "revisions": [
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                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:33:47Z",
                        "comment": "P\u00e1gina creada con \u00ab'''Fuentes''' (Ver [[Cronolog\u00eda]]. [[Personas]].)  Jeffery K '''[[Taubenberger]]''',* Johan V '''Hultin''', and David M '''Morens''': [\u00bb"
                        "revid": 15,
                        "parentid": 14,
                        "minor": "",
                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:34:01Z",
                        "comment": "Protegi\u00f3 \u00ab[[Fuentes]]\u00bb ([Editar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido) [Trasladar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido)) [en cascada]"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Fuentes"
                "pageid": 6,
                "revisions": [
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                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:37:54Z",
                        "comment": "P\u00e1gina creada con \u00abJeffery K Taubenberger (Volver a [[Personas]]. [[Cronolog\u00eda]]. [[Fuentes]].)  Autor junto con Johan V Hultin y David M Morens de: Discovery and characterization of the 191...\u00bb"
                        "revid": 17,
                        "parentid": 16,
                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:38:22Z",
                        "comment": ""
                        "revid": 18,
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                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:38:32Z",
                        "comment": "Protegi\u00f3 \u00ab[[Taubenberger]]\u00bb ([Editar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido) [Trasladar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido)) [en cascada]"
                        "revid": 19,
                        "parentid": 18,
                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:39:01Z",
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                        "revid": 20,
                        "parentid": 19,
                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:40:25Z",
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                        "parentid": 20,
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                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:40:38Z",
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                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:47:04Z",
                        "comment": "P\u00e1gina creada con \u00ab'''1781\u20131782''' Primera de las cuatro grandes pandemias de gripe previas a la de 1918 (Volver a [[Cronolog\u00eda]]. [[Personas]]. [[Fuentes]].)  Pandemic evolved so rapidly,...\u00bb"
                        "revid": 24,
                        "parentid": 23,
                        "minor": "",
                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:47:14Z",
                        "comment": "Protegi\u00f3 \u00ab[[1781\u20131782]]\u00bb ([Editar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido) [Trasladar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido)) [en cascada]"
                        "revid": 36,
                        "parentid": 24,
                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:59:31Z",
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                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:49:45Z",
                        "comment": "P\u00e1gina creada con \u00ab'''1789\u20131799''' Segunda gran pandemia previa a la de 1918, no aporta nada nuevo respecto a la de [[1781-1782]]:  The 1789\u20131799 pandemic, coming soon thereafter, emphasi...\u00bb"
                        "revid": 27,
                        "parentid": 26,
                        "minor": "",
                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:49:55Z",
                        "comment": "Protegi\u00f3 \u00ab[[1789\u20131799]]\u00bb ([Editar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido) [Trasladar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido)) [en cascada]"
                        "revid": 28,
                        "parentid": 27,
                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:50:39Z",
                        "comment": ""
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "1789\u20131799"
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                        "parentid": 0,
                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:52:52Z",
                        "comment": "P\u00e1gina creada con \u00ab'''1830\u20131833''': Tercera pandemia de gripe previa a la de 1918.  The 1830\u20131833 pandemic, though less impressive, arrived at about the same time as the second cholera pa...\u00bb"
                        "revid": 31,
                        "parentid": 30,
                        "minor": "",
                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:53:03Z",
                        "comment": "Protegi\u00f3 \u00ab[[1830\u20131833]]\u00bb ([Editar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido) [Trasladar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido)) [en cascada]"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "1830\u20131833"
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                        "parentid": 0,
                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:55:31Z",
                        "comment": "P\u00e1gina creada con \u00ab'''1847\u20131851''': Cuarta y \u00faltima pandemia de gripe previa a la de 1918. (Volver a [[Cronolog\u00eda]]. [[Personas]]. [[Fuentes]].)  The influenza pandemic of 1847\u20131851 nea...\u00bb"
                        "revid": 34,
                        "parentid": 33,
                        "minor": "",
                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T15:55:42Z",
                        "comment": "Protegi\u00f3 \u00ab[[1847\u20131851]]\u00bb ([Editar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido) [Trasladar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido)) [en cascada]"
                        "revid": 38,
                        "parentid": 34,
                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T16:00:32Z",
                        "comment": ""
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "1847\u20131851"
                "pageid": 11,
                "revisions": [
                        "revid": 39,
                        "parentid": 0,
                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T16:01:56Z",
                        "comment": "P\u00e1gina creada con \u00ab'''1889\u20131894''': Quinta y \u00faltima pandemia de gripe previa a la de 1918. (Volver a [[Cronolog\u00eda]]. [[Personas]]. [[Fuentes]].)  Then, in 1889, the most explosive and wid...\u00bb"
                        "revid": 40,
                        "parentid": 39,
                        "minor": "",
                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T16:02:07Z",
                        "comment": "Protegi\u00f3 \u00ab[[1889\u20131894]]\u00bb ([Editar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido) [Trasladar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido)) [en cascada]"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "1889\u20131894"
                "pageid": 12,
                "revisions": [
                        "revid": 42,
                        "parentid": 0,
                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T16:07:48Z",
                        "comment": "P\u00e1gina creada con \u00abRichard Friedrich Johannes '''Pfeiffer''' (1858\u20131945) Volver a [[Personas]]. [[Cronolog\u00eda]]. [[Fuentes]].  It was in 1892 that the venerated physician/bacteriologist Ric...\u00bb"
                        "revid": 43,
                        "parentid": 42,
                        "minor": "",
                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T16:07:59Z",
                        "comment": "Protegi\u00f3 \u00ab[[Pfeiffer]]\u00bb ([Editar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido) [Trasladar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido)) [en cascada]"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Pfeiffer"
                "pageid": 13,
                "revisions": [
                        "revid": 45,
                        "parentid": 0,
                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T16:15:05Z",
                        "comment": "P\u00e1gina creada con \u00abGripe aviar. (Volver a [[Cronolog\u00eda]]. [[Personas]]. [[Fuentes]].)  Identificada en 1878 por E. Perroncito: Highly pathogenic avian influenza (then called \u2018fowl plague...\u00bb"
                        "revid": 46,
                        "parentid": 45,
                        "minor": "",
                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T16:20:08Z",
                        "comment": "Protegi\u00f3 \u00ab[[Gripe aviar]]\u00bb ([Editar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido) [Trasladar=Solo permitir administradores] (indefinido)) [en cascada]"
                        "revid": 48,
                        "parentid": 46,
                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T16:25:08Z",
                        "comment": ""
                        "revid": 49,
                        "parentid": 48,
                        "user": "Centroeuropa",
                        "timestamp": "2016-10-15T16:28:17Z",
                        "comment": ""
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Gripe aviar"